Whole Body Vibe

March 3, 2022

We highly recommend hopping on the Whole Body Vibe after a VIDA SCULPT or Lymphatic Drainage Techniques as it will help your body to optimally cleanse through the now activated lymph nodes, send waste materials to the lymph ducts for the ultimate detox.
You may also get on the WBV in between your sessions to maintain a healthy Lymphatic System. However, the WBV provides much more than the incredible health benefits of a full body Lymphatic Drainage Therapy!

Below are some of the proven benefits:

• Stronger Muscles and Muscle Toning
• Increased Bone Mass/ Reduce Bone Loss
• Increased Blood Flow
• Reduce Back Pain and Other Aches
• Decrease in Cortisol levels (aka stress hormone)
• Elevation of Human Growth Hormone Levels
• Reduce Cellulite and Stimulate Collagen Production For Smoother Skin
• Promote Balance (great for the elder and those with vertigo)

This Therapy is beneficial for anyone at any age looking to improve their health.

Lose Weight & Improve Fitness?
The Whole Body Vibe can also assist with calorie burn and metabolism as it transmits energy to your body, forces your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times each second.

Below we will look deeper into the “how” of some of the listed benefits above:

Stronger Muscles

As you sit or stand (always knees at least slightly bend!) on the vibration plate, your muscles contract and relax 30 times each second. As your body works to regain stability, mutiple muscle fibers become engaged in each movement, significantly amplifying the effectiveness of any movement performed on the plate. This is why doing squats, for example, on the WBV requires so much more energy than doing them on the ground. To make the most of your time on the WBV, consider performing dynamic strength exercises like squats, pushups, lunges, etc. The variation applied in different angles enhances the performance of the exercise by activating more muscle fibers which leads to muscle toning and muscle growth. However, simply standing on the machine will cause your muscle fibers to contract which will in turn help with muscle growth, tone, and strength.

Lower Blood Pressure

Whole Body Vibe has been demonstrated to reduce hardening of the arteries in study after study, among populations ranging from men in their mid-twenties to postmenopausal women. In each study, the subject’s blood pressure was lowered significantly.

Stronger Bone Density

WBV performed three times per week for 15 minutes has been shown to improve bone density, providing people with a drug free alternative to osteoporosis prevention, management and improvement.

Better Balance, Flexibility, Coordination 

During traditional exercise, muscles contract 1-2 times per second as opposed to 30 contractions per second while using the VIBE machine. Standing, or better yet, performing exercises, on the vibration plate engages your core and hip flexors to stabilize your body. This makes your body work harder and eventually, the muscles around the joints grow stronger. Over time, you’ll notice that your balance, coordination, posture, and flexibility have improved.

Increased Immunity and Stimulate Lymphatic System

As muscles repeatedly contract and relax, the blood circulation in your body increases. Increased blood flow makes sure that your muscles are oxygenated, which speeds up the recovery process and rejuvenates the body. Improvement in blood circulation also leads to faster metabolic waste removal.

WBV Therapy stimulates the Lymphatic System causing an immune response in the lymph nodes and giving the body better defenses against illnesses. WBV exercise also causes the lymph system to drain more efficiently, getting trapped fats and toxins on their way out of the body through the natural filters of the circulatory system. This is especially important for the aging body where lymph health is more vital to overall health.

Lower Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands. While cortisol is important for helping your body deal with stressful situation, when cortisol levels are too high for too long, this hormone can hurt you more than it helps. When cortisol levels remain high over an extended period of time, they can cause weight gain and high blood pressure, disrupt sleep, negatively impacting mood, reduce your energy levels, and contribute to diabetes.

The Whole Body Vibe Therapy can also serve as a great warm up or cool down from activity, or just a supplement to your regular exercise regime.

10 Minutes | $30                 30 Minutes | $60
Add-On to any existing therapy on the same day:
10 Minutes | $20                  30 Minutes | $50

Fun Fact: The idea of using vibration for health benefits dates back to ancient Greece, but the concept of whole body vibration transitioned from unproven concept to serious science when the Space Program used it to stimulate the weight of gravity for astronauts who would otherwise lose muscle tissue and bone density, had poor circulation and lymphatic system flow, while living space’s zero-gravity atmosphere.


source: generator athlete lab