Chromotherapy, also known as COLOR THERAPY, is a method of therapy that uses colors on the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation to cure, heal, and/ or treat physical, mental and spiritual energy imbalances that tends to lead to various diseases. It is one of the most holistic and simple methods. It is a centuries-old concept used successfully over the years. We offer Chromotherapy during our Infrared Sauna Sessions to optimize your healing journey as the Infrared Heat will also help the colors to penetrate even deeper.
Sufficient published material can be found about the subject that provides a complete system of focused treatment methodologies and healing characteristics of colors and the relationship between the human body.
Colors are all vibratory. Each of the color photons has its own wavelength and frequency. The body recognizes these waveforms and responds to them. The way we perceive color is because of the vibration it holds. Each color charges our cells a certain way as a result.
More simply, light is energy. The phenomenon of color is a product of the interaction of energy and matter. The wavelength, frequency and quantity of energy of every colorful ray are fixed for ech color; that is, a specific wavelength, a certain frequency and a particular amount of energy in that wave have been denominated as a distinct color. The human eye is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation only at wavelengths roughly between 380 and 780 nm. This small segment is called the visible spectrum or visible light. Visible light can be broken down into numerous electromagnetic frequencies, and frequency relates to a color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and all the vibrations thereof.
The Newtonian approach to Chromotherapy is that 1. every creature is engulfed in light that affects health conditions, 2. the human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors. The body comes into existence from colors, the body is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in the body. All organs and limbs of the body have their own distinct color, 3. all organs, cells, and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly.
The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern found in the body. For every organ there is an energetic level at which the organ functions best. Any departure from that vibratory rate results in pathology, whereas restoring the appropriate energy levels to the physical organs results in a healed body.
Red – Root Chakra or Muladhara
(sound “LAM”)
survival instinct, security, grounding
Orange – Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana
(sound “VAM”)
emotion, sexuality, intimacy
Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura
(sound “RAM”)
energy, vitality desire, power
Green – Heart Chakra or Anahata
(sound “YAM”)
love, hope, compassion
Blue – Throat Chakra or Vishuddha
(sound HAM”)
communication, creativity, healing
Indigo – Third Eye Chakra or Ajna
(sound “OM”)
clairvoyance, intuition, psychic senses
Violet (or white) – Crown Chakra or Sahasrara
(sound “OM”)
cosmic conscious, enlightenment, understanding
Each Chakra energizes and sustains certain organs. The balance of the seven chakras activates healing by transmitting energy to the electromagnetic field around the body. The body has seven major energy centers known as Chakras, each is responsive to a different color, Chakra located at the sites of the major endocrine glands, corresponds to a particular state of consciousness, personality types and endocrine systems.
Furthermore, Color Therapy provides colors to the electromagnetic body or the aura (energy field) around the body, which in turn transfers energy to the physical body, This makes Chromotherapy the most effective among various therapies.
“light is the closest thing to pure energy that we can identify”
– Patterson of Stellar Research Corporation.
When applied to the human body, light will provide all deficient energies since every color is associated with a quantity of energy.
Colors have profound effect on us at all levels – physical, mental and emotional. If our energy levels are blocked or depleted, then our body cannot function properly, and this in turn can lead to a variety of problems at different levels.
Next time you’re at VIDA, you may choose the Color Therapy that is best for you at any given particular visit.
RED “natural energizer” – relieves sore muscles, aches, and pains.
Red relieves muscle soreness, reduces muscle stiffness, increases libido, increases blood circulation, activates metabolism, relieves arthritis pain, fights against illnesses such as cold, flu, and pneumonia, and builds collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is the major component of connective tissues that make up several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin and muscles. Collagen has many important functions, including providing your skin with structure and strengthening your bones.
Red light is a powerful color, symbolic for the root chakra located at the base of the spine. The root chakra is the body’s most primal energy center. It governs our instincts, how we survive in this world and how to stay alive—our animal characteristics. Red activates your physical senses, taste, smell, sound, touch, and vision. Red light has the lowest energy, frequency, vibration and the longest wavelength of all the visible light. It is known as the “The Great Energizer.” It is a color that assists in the physicality of things.
It’s also known as a “Pain Reliever.” Red has been proven to penetrate the body’s muscles, releasing stiffness, soreness, and tension. Red also assists with injuries such as pulled muscles, sprains, fractures, and broken bones. For instance, athletes or people who undergo a lot of physical endurance may end up feeling pain in their bodies. Red goes beyond the surface of the skin and to the core of where the pain is coming from. Red activates more blood flow to pump throughout the body, producing more nutrients such as oxygen. In turn, more blood flow and more oxygen allow your body to start healing itself.
ORANGE “rejuvenates & stimulates” – heals the body and invigorates the mind.
Orange light treats asthma, treats epilepsy, stops constipation, heals bone fractures, heals sore ligaments, treats all sinus conditions, boosts the immune system, eliminates cysts, repairs inflammation of the kidneys, relieves pain of menstrual cramps, and relieves the pain of gallstones and kidney stones.
Orange is a warm color and is extremely soothing to the senses. It is symbolic for the Sacral chakra located between the hips. It governs our creative energy, sensual energy and emotional energy. It is the center of our pelvis and connected to our reproductive organs. This chakra rules over your pleasures—what you like and dislike. Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. It has extremely grounding properties from red. That is why it is so beneficial to the physical body, as opposed to indigo, which is more beneficial for mental health. Orange helps the body heal from indigestion, such as constipation, bloating, cramping and detoxification. It also matches up with the vibration of your body’s kidneys, large and small intestines, the lower spine (back), and sacroiliac joints.
The vibration of orange is healing and brings a sense of warmth and satisfaction to your mind and body. Orange is great for shedding weight because it activates and eliminates localized fat. It is a great helper for those who suffer from chronic abdominal pain, whether it’s cramps, problems with indigestion, stomach cancer, or anything else. It is a color that specifically targets pain in this area. If orange is used in one’s life at a young age, it could help prevent the body from activating cancer cells.
YELLOW “detox & uplift mood” – strengthens immune system and relieves indigestion.
Yellow light is a natural skin purifier, strengthens the immune system, relieves indigestion, reduces scar tissue, increases curiosity, awareness, and the ability to absorb information. It is used to treat asthma, bronchitis, epilepsy, mental and muscular disorders, cramps, rheumatism, tears, sore ligaments, bone fractures, kidney stones, intestinal spasms, hypothyroidism, constipation, and menstrual difficulties. It can also prevent malignant tumors from forming.
Yellow also helps awaken mental inspiration. Great for nervous or nerve-related conditions, as well as fueling the solar plexus which holds our will power and strength. Yellow helps with conditions of the stomach, liver and intestines. It can help the pores of the skin by repairing scar tissue. Yellow rays have an alkalizing effect that strengthens the nerves. Typical diseases treated by yellow are constipation, gas, liver trouble, diabetes, eczema, and nervous exhaustion. Yellow increases curiosity, understanding, clarity, and awareness.
PINK – tranquilizing and calming effect within minutes of exposure.
It suppresses hostile, aggressive and anxious behavior. Within minutes of sitting with the pink light, negative thoughts and aggression decreases rapidly within your being. Pink naturally cleanses the body’s blood and cleanses the mind of impure thoughts. It strengthens veins and arteries while activating and eliminating impurities in the blood stream. Pink helps with any gum diseases as well as toothaches. Known to decrease if not eliminates stress. Violent behavior will be decreased with exposure to pink light. As babies, we start off in our mother’s womb. Inside the human body, everything is pink. We are surrounded by pink during these first 9 months of our lives. This is why pink is symbolic for our inner child—the pure innocence we have within us.
It is a perfect color to work with if you have PTSD or any emotional trauma that resides within your body. Trauma is actually stored within our cells’ memory. What pink does is charge our cells with the vibration that allows our body to start releasing trauma. It is a purifier.
INDIGO “creativity” – taps into your intuition.
Indigo helps Psoriasis, tension headaches, migraines, visual defects, short-farsightedness, nearsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, catarrh, sinus problems, and some ear problems. Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that makes raised, reddish, and often scaly patches.
Indigo is one of the most powerful mentally-stimulating colors of the visible light spectrum. It creates greater dream activity and increases imagination. By meditating using the visualization as a tool, or if you want to tap into your source of creativity for work, or for any life projects, indigo aligns your mind and body to tap into the creative part of yourself.
Not only does it activate certain parts of your brain, but indigo increases white blood cell production. White blood cells are vital for fighting infections by attacking bacteria, viruses, and germs that invade the body. White blood cells originate in the bone marrow but circulate throughout the bloodstream. Indigo also relieves scalp pain such as scalp psoriasis.
TEAL – clear and calm the mind for deep relaxation.
Teal is a mixture of green and blue. Teal is a cleansing color. Teal increases clarity, boosts immunity, rebuilds cells, relieves infections, reduces pain and fever, brings mental relaxation, and accelerates burn healing. It is a natural antiseptic. It is great for cleansing the mind of redundant stagnant thoughts, raising your vibration and opening you to feel light. This color can help release emotional build up.
BLUE – deep relaxation & communication
Blue is anti-anxiety, helps speech and communication, brings mental relaxation, and lends wisdom and clarity. Blur light also helps with sleeping problems and is a natural antiseptic—clearing the air of bacteria. It also relieves fever symptoms, bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer.
For those who suffer from drug addiction, blue light may offer some relief. Blue helps break unhealthy cravings and bad habits. It’s the blue rays that bring peace to the mind while clearing away worried thoughts and troublesome life experiences. For those who have insomnia, blue light is able to relax the body and put the mind to sleep.
GREEN – “balance and harmony” – healing for the heart, soul and mind.
Green is healing. Green brings balance and harmony to one’s mind and body. It is relaxing and renewing. The heart becomes healthier when exposed to green light. As humans, we are a part of nature; nature is all around us. Plants and trees give us oxygen to breathe and also appear as green in the visible spectrum. Therefore, green light allows us to feel connected to the earth.
Green helps relax the muscles, nerves and thoughts. It relieves headaches, and on a bigger scale, relieves cancer symptoms. It gives the mind and body a sense of renewal, clarity, and peace. Green decreases and stabilizes blood pressure and helps with ulcers. It is an amazing color to work with if you suffer from heart disease.
Green is known to be universally healing. It is symbolic for the heart chakra because green light helps with opening our heart. Forgiveness and understanding follow, helping us reach a state of neutrality—being able to smile when life gets hard and knowing to love yourself unconditionally. Green is in the middle of the color spectrum. It carries both physical and spiritual healing benefits. Green can be used for just about any condition. Whether it is sore muscles, cancer, or healing a broken heart, its frequency is what your body needs in that moment.