EOS For Fall

September 30, 2023

Ahh, Fall. The season with the most visibly dramatic change, where the leaves float to the ground as we let go of the warm long days of summer filled with light, and we prepare for the longer cooler nights ahead. Fall tends to be a season you either love or dread, and no matter which side you’re on, essential oils can help with the transition of these seasons! I personally love working with essential oils because they’re a more “tangible magic”—when smelling them they trigger physical, emotional, and mental shifts in the body. Here are some essential oils that are helpful for support during the upcoming autumn season:


This warm, spice scent is known for its restorative properties. When ingested, it physically has anti-inflammatory properties, but the benefits don’t stop there—it restores individuals on a mental and emotional level as well. Energetically turmeric restores strength and hope in times of change, and since the fall season is all about change, it’s offering us that strength and hope as we transition to a new round of seasons. If you tend to be shy or need a little boost of self-confidence, grab some turmeric—it’s the antidote you’re looking for. Or, if you’re ever feeling paralyzed in life or unsure of the next steps you need to take, grab Turmeric! It “warms you up” and gives you the courage and confidence to step out into the unknown with ease, so you can discover your true potential. And what a great oil to pair with going back to school!


If you are unfamiliar with cassia you’re not alone—I was too until I read about it in a healing book. Basically, cassia is cinnamon’s cousin and has a strong warm scent of what I’d describe as cinnamon roll baking in the oven, yum! Besides smelling delish, cassia has several energetic benefits such as casting away fear and replacing it with confidence. In this sense it echos similar properties of turmeric. It gives you warmth, confidence, energy, and helps you recognize your own individual unique potential. If you’re afraid to take action because you’re afraid to make a mistake, cassia encourages you to “just do it.” I call cassia “bravery in a bottle!”

Juniper Berry:

I call juniper berry “night light” of essential oils. Remember being a kid and a night light made the dark room seem not so scary when you slept? That’s what I feel Juniper Berry does. It helps you face your fears in the dark or the unknown—whether that’s the dark externally, or shadows within—by making what you encounter seem not so scary. Fear shows us or reflects back at us opportunities for growth. Juniper Berry helps you to not hide from what you don’t understand, but rather face the fear and learn the lesson. As you reconcile with your fears, it brings you to a greater sense of self and therefore a greater sense of wholeness within you. Aromatically it’s reminiscent of walking through a rich forest in the mist—woody, spicy, and fresh—and very peaceful.

Pink Pepper:

Pink pepper has a spicy, warm, almost romantic quality to its scent, making it very enticing. It’s one of those aromas that you smell and think “that smells familiar, yet I can’t put my finger on it” and give it another whiff. Energetically pink pepper represents intrinsic equality and a knowing and understanding that we are all basically equal. It exposes tendencies within us to compare ourselves to other people and stops us in our tracks when we do that, showing that we are inherently good, we are connected, we are all part of the same, and we are all equal. Basically, if you see the good in others and you like and are attracted to that, can’t you also see the good in yourself? It warms a stagnant heart field and energies you towards a belief in the goodness in yourself, and thus self-acceptance. It teaches that these attitudes of self-comparison are only broken down by true self love and true self compassion. Not bad for a pepper, eh?


This familiar herb goes beyond the kitchen to assist us in times of change or transition, such as adjusting to a new house, a new job, going back to school, etc. If you’re ever needing to study for an exam, or at work when you need your memory to run at 100%, diffuse rosemary. Rosemary helps with memory recall, supports in receiving new information, and brings expansion to the mind. It roots you in the development of true knowledge and intellect (as opposed to limiting belief systems disguised as “truth”). There’s a saying that goes “the more you know, the more you understand that you don’t know anything” and that’s what rosemary brings to the table—a lot of mind expansion!


Article by Reiki Master, Sara Hilner